Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th Of July!!

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Just wanted to wish all of you a HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!! Hope you all have a great weekend! To celebrate, we have Animal Collective's song "Fireworks" from their album "Strawberry Jam".

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Band Of The Day: Two Gallants

Bookmark Too Roads Indie Blog

I don't know about you or what your preferences are on folk music, but I have an extreme interest in it. I don't know why but it just appeals to me. Well today we have a band off of Saddle Creek by the name of Two Gallants. Bet you cant guess how many people are in the band. If you said three......your wrong, because there are only two! A hell of a drummer, and a hell of a guitarist with a raspy yet cool voice make up Two Gallants. These guys take folk-rock to a new level bringing in a bit of an emo touch but not excessivly. They have three albums out with "Two Gallants (self titled" being their latest". Today's song comes from their first full length cd "The Throes" and is called "Drive My Car". This was the first song I ever heard by them and still manages to be my favorite amongst the band. Check Em Out and Lemme Know What Ya Think!