Friday, January 1, 2010


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    Just want to wish each and everyone of you a happy new years! Really lookin' forward to this year and some of the music thats supposed to drop (new Yeasayer album)! What are YOU looking forward to this year? What albums/bands/music are you stoked for? Drop a comment ant lemme know!

To celebrate the introduction of a new year/decade here are two songs by two very good bands (one being probably my favorite band ever *Walkmen*) about, well, the new year! ENJOY!


Jesse said...

I'm looking forward to:

Vampire Weekend (maybe, the new song I've heard was crap)
The Gaslight Anthem
G. Love & Special Sauce
Ted Leo & the Pharmacists
Fleet Foxes

Not all of those are confirmed but I think most are considered likely.

Calvin Ramsey (TooRoads) said...

No way! Fleet Foxes?? SICK!
Ya the new Vamp. Weekend song didnt really catch me either. but who knows.

Anonymous said...

Really stoked for the new Radiohead album. They're recording it soon, so I hope they don't spend too long mixing it up and releasing it. The first half of the year for a release would be nice, but, I'd rather it was quality than rushed anyway.
I'm looking forward to the new Los Campesinos! record too.

Nice choice of songs there too, The New Year by Death Cab for Cutie is awesome.

Calvin Ramsey (TooRoads) said...

New Radiohead too!??
This years gonna be sick!
I heard rumors of (possibly) a new Arcade Fire cd! and infact just today, on face, The Antlers said they were going to start recording tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I heard about the Arcade Fire album too. That should be awesome.
The Antlers recording again already!? Nice. I gotta wonder whether it'll be another concept album, or just a collection of songs. And what kinda theme they'll be too (more kinda gloomy music or something a bit more upbeat?).