Consisting of MC Ride "Stefan Burnett", drummer Zach Hill, who has been in many acts such as Hella and Marnie Stern, and Andy "Flatliner" Morin, Death Grips blends hip hop, noise, and punk rock creating a truly unique style. Death Grips arrived on the scene with their free mixtape "Exmilitary". From there they only got bigger and bigger. "The Money Store" their second full length release was met with high acclaim and positive feedback. Their third release "No Love Deep Web" found them ditching their labels wishes and releasing their album for free and before the expected release date.
Well, now they have a new album. It's free. And once again it pushes all the limits that have been previously established by Death Grips. On this release we hear even more truly bizarre beats and Zach Hill's spastic drumming. However, MC Ride takes a different route on this release. The feel is much less "Hip Hop" and more so "Experimental".
If you haven't experienced Death Grips, I highly recommend you give them a listen. They raise the bar with every release and do so with a passion for making music.
Download the album for free
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