Saturday, November 23, 2013

Check Out: No Joy - "Here Tarot Lies"

No Joy has always been one of those bands I was somewhat reluctant to listen to. Once again, not really sure why. As some of you know, I am an avid Pitchfork user. Earlier this year they gave No Joy's second full-length album a solid 8.0 rating, and if you're familiar with Pitchfork, you know that anything from a 7 up is really good by Pitchfork's standards. Even Bethany Cosentino of Best Coast tweeted about how good they are. So upon that rating and their fair-reviewed E.P. "Pastel and Pass Out", I had to finally check em out. And I'm glad I did.

No Joy is a Montreal based duo that makes dreamy shoegaze music. "Here Tarot Lies" is a perfect example of what they are all about. It wastes no time, jumping right into the gaze as the song begins with great emphasis on fuzzy guitar and reverbed vocals.

Check out "Here Tarot Lies" from "Wait to Pleasure", one of my favorite songs of 2013.

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