Monday, June 8, 2009

Band Of The Day: Camera Obscura

Hello, Hello. Hopefully you readers (the whopping 2 kids reading this) have enjoyed the previous posts. I do hope that you discover some new stuff that you'll be interested in. But enough rambling, lets get to the Band Of The Day(thats what I have decided to call this potentially worthless endeavor). Today's band is an indie-pop band from Scotland. The first thing that i noticed about this band was their unique style. Deep, abysmal sound with chattering far off tambourines and a singer who sounds as if she records in an empty castle hall. They recently came out with a new cd called "My Maudlin Career" and recieved an 8.3 (a very good rating) on Give em a try and try not to melt from the lead singers voice.

1 comment:

Detectiveiam said...

I really Like this one!